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Why Am I Still Single?

“The question still remains….why am I still single? Lord why? I am a good Christian woman, I have been living right and being obedient to your word, yet I am still waiting for You to send my prince charming. I look around and everyone is either married, or in a relationship and on the road to marriage. When is my Boaz coming Lord? When will I get married and have children? When Lord when?”

Many of you single women out there can relate to the above release of frustration to the Lord, when we feel lonely, someone gets engaged, married or even starts a new relationship, and you are still alone. You tend to vent to the Lord, as I did above, when that feeling of loneliness or the feeling that you have somehow been left behind is been planted by the enemy. There are times when my circumstances and where I am in life as a single woman doesn’t bother me, but there are times I vent. I am human and I feel, but in these times I find my way back to God’s word and resting and believing in His promises.

Hello, I am a single, saved, Christian woman in her mid-twenties, who has a bachelor’s degree and in pursuit of another degree. I have no boyfriend, I am still a virgin and it looks like there are not many prospects in my near future. There have been guys who have come in my path some all wrong and some that looked like potentials, but didn’t work out. So here I am still single and waiting on my prince charming. I look at myself in the mirror and so much doubt comes to mind as I reflect on my season of singleness. Suddenly, a small still small voice says, “Wait my daughter, in My time.” I know it’s the Holy Spirit comforting my lonely heart. Matthew 28:20 (KJV) says, “And lo, I am with you always.” He is always there, and I realize that I am never alone and I start my journey back to God’s word and His promises.

One of the first verses that I go to comes from the book of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah 28:11 (NIV) says, “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” It’s a verse that I have applied to my life continually. We have to fully trust God and believe that He knows what is best. Sometimes it difficult because we want to see what is going to happen next, we want a peak into our future. We get to a point in our lives and we are happy about what God has done in our lives, but we want to know what is next.

 For those of us who are single, we want to know when the husband and kids are going to arrive. God is an all knowing God, He can see things that we can’t see and this is where trusting fully in Him comes into play.Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Some of us can repeat this verse verbatim but there are times where we take our future into our own hands. We assume God isn’t doing anything and we say to ourselves let me speed this up. 

I remember when a young man and I started out as friends and we began to get close and he confessed that he had feelings for me and I confessed that I liked him also. I knew in my heart that this man was all wrong for me, he was a nice guy, but he didnt’t know you Father. At first I was so strong and I let him know that it would not work out, but I said Lord maybe he will get saved eventually and come to know You. It felt so good to receive long wanted attention from the opposite sex and feel like someone cared and wanted you, but I realized that God was not pleased and I went through a time where I knew God gave me a choice, the guy or Him. Ultimately there was no doubt in my decision, God was my choice. I terminated any thoughts of ever having a relationship and made it clear what I was seeking in a mate and letting him know that he was not the one. 

There are times when we as women take matters into our own hands and try to get a man knowing that he isn’t the one but praying and hoping that God can change him and make him the one just to speed up this process. But, my sisters, it doesn’t work that way. God works in His own timing, and not ours. Which can be frustrating to accept at times, but once we accept it, I have noticed that life becomes easier…

Sometimes it is hard to fully trust in God’s plans when you have been waiting so long for Him to finally send your Boaz. I have had only one relationship and it was in high school. I have been waiting on God for 8 years and there are times I do get lonely, and ask God when is it going to happen but just recently this past week, I let go.

 For me I fully let God take the reins in every other aspect of my life, but when it comes to this part it came to a point where I fully could not let go and after Him sending a message at church and people in my life to give a testimony, I let it all go in this aspect. I was like ok God I let go and I let God when it comes to my love life. I am not going to try and push anything or make anything work that’s not in Your will for my life. I admit it’s been difficult to just let go but hey this morning I was like God knows and I need to trust Him in this, it will all happen in HIS timing. I felt a relief like it doesn’t matter what happens from hence forth I am going to wait and let God lead and guide me in any relationship with the opposite sex from this day forward. 

I am happy and single and on fire for God so I am moving forward and you know what I don’t mind waiting on Him.So the question still remains, Lord why am I still single? Well some answers to the question could be that you may not be ready yet, God is teaching you patience, or He is saving you for some special man who has not come into the picture yet. I don’t know what category you fall into, but it is my belief that at some point in our season of singleness we fall into all of these categories, I am now in the latter. I am ready and just waiting for my prince. 

So I want to encourage you that I know it’s not going to be easy and you will have your days that you will feel lonely, and wondering why it hasn’t happened for you yet, but know that God is with you always and that you are beautiful, and a precious gem in His eyes that He is saving for the right time. Below are Bible verses I want to leave with you and repeat through the week! I pray this was a blessing to all who have read!

Love you all and be blessed,
Daughter of the King

Bible Verses for the Week
“And lo, I am with you always.” Matthew 28:20 (KJV)

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 28:11 (NIV)

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” Psalms 27:14 (KJV)

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. “Romans 8:28 (KJV)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Quote For the Week
“In the end, it’s still best to wait for the one we want rather than settle for what’s available. It’s still best to wait for the one you love rather than to settle for the one who’s around. It’s still best to wait for the right person, because life’s too short to waste on the wrong one.”Unknown

Be blessed by “I Don’t Mind Waiting” by Juanita Bynum


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. God may not ever want you to marry - He may be waiting for you to consecrate yourself to Him - of your own free will give yourself to Him.

  3. Daughter of The KingAugust 20, 2013 6:50 PM

    Well this piece is based on accepting where you are right now as a CHristian and as I said above, I am happy where I am right now and if its not in His will for my life I am fine... but its just the road I took to get where I am at now.


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