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31 Days of Praying for Your Future Husband.....Day #1

Hey ladies,

I hope you all are enjoying the new year so far, but I came across a post on a group encouraging singles to pray for the month of January for their future spouse. Then after a little research I came across this "31 Days of Prayer for your Husband" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. It just dropped in my spirit that why can't we pray these things for our future spouses, we may not know who they are, or when God is going to send them, but as wives to be we can bless our future husbands by praying for them. This will enable us to be the godly wives God has called us to be. Earnest prayer for your future husband is good for him, for you and the spiritual health of your future home (Proverbs 31:11-12). Satan desires to destroy your  future husband, especially his character and his leadership in your upcoming relationship. Trust God through prayer as you daily surrender your husband to be and  future marriage to the Lord’s wise, loving care. So let's commit to this ladies for the month of January, I will post a prayer each day!


Day #1

Dear heavenly Father, I pray that my future husband will grow spiritually and consider his accountability before You. I pray that he will guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines—Bible reading and study, prayer, meditation, scripture memorization, etc. (2 Peter 3:18; Prov. 4:23) in Jesus' name I pray, amen! 


  1. I stumbled on to your blog.. but not my accident I am sure. I look forward to reading my daily prayer for my future husband. I have been so hurt, trampled on, used and abused by my former husband - divorce was the only option out .. and I still hurt. Recently I met a chrisian man, who I thought was the ideal man for my life - only to learn later (after 3 years) he is still married. I feel like such a fool.. I have left that relationship and have asked God for forgivenes.. i need so much of His Spiritual Guidance. Please pray with me and for me as I wait patiently on GOD to send me the Man - the Boaz - HE has for me. And I want to fall in love with my Lord so much more everyday. In learning to love HIM, I know that I will be in love with the man He has for me.

    Thank you for your blog..


  2. Hey R.O,

    I am so glad that the Holy Spirit guided you to my blog and I am so thankful it was a blessing! I will pray for you! I want to encourage you not to concentrate on finding a man and focus on rebuilding your relationship with Christ and drawing closer to Him. I want you to know that the love we crave for and want from earthly men, our heavenly Father is a lover like no other. He is always with us, He gave up His only son to die for our sins, because He loves us that much. No one will ever love you as much as your heavenly Father will. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are beautiful and He loves you for you. One day when the Father sees fit He will send your Boaz who is going to love Him more than he loves you and because of this your Boaz will be able to follow the word of God and love and cherish you as a gift from God, like Christ loved the church. You be encouraged! I will keep you in prayer...

    Love always,

  3. I to did not stumble upon your blog by accident thanks for the encouragement I'm in a better place of waiting

    1. I am glad it was a blessing! Have been away for a while but will be back!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for allowing God to use you.

    1. I am glad it was a blessing! Have been away for a while but will be back!

  6. Thank you for allowing God to use you.

  7. Going to start praying for my future husband. Thank you for the blog.

    1. I am glad it was a blessing! Have been away for a while but will be back!

  8. I will be starting this journey tomorrow and I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me.

    1. I am glad it was a blessing! Have been away for a while but will be back!

  9. Am starting my today....will set alarm and be here btw 8pm-9th for the next 31 days ....Thank u Holy Spirit

    1. I am glad it was a blessing! Have been away for a while but will be back!

  10. I found your blog on Pinterest, and I hope this will help me get through my pain of loneliness as a single, young Christian Woman! God bless, and thanks.

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